According to the American Dental Association, the enamel is the tooth’s first line of defense. It is the toughest material in your body, that is why it can resist years of wear and tear. Part of caring for the enamel is to prevent plaque and tartar buildup. If you want to understand the difference between the two, here’s what you should know.
The Reality of Plaque
This is a colorless and sticky coating on your teeth. Plaque is always present on your teeth. It builds up after it mixes with food and saliva. Studies show that plaque has at least 500 different species of bacteria. Some of these are good while the harmful bacteria can secrete acids.
The bad bacteria excrete more acids when you consume sugary foods and drinks. These acidic excretions irritate your gums and attack your enamel. This leads to inflammation, which causes gingivitis and then periodontal disease. Dental health affects your general health, putting it at risk if your gum disease does not receive proper treatment.
You can remove plaque by brushing at least two times every day. Flossing daily can also help. Limiting your sugary drinks and foods can discourage the fast growth of bacteria. Keeping your routine dental appointments will also keep plaque away.
The Reality of Tartar
Poor daily oral hygiene hardens plaque, which forms tartar or dental calculus. Tartar covers the outer layer of your teeth. It often settles beside your gumline. Once it does, it becomes more challenging to clean your teeth. This neglect can lead to swollen and tender gums. You can also experience gum bleeding.
Periodontal disease causes gums to move away from teeth, which may lead to movement in teeth if it does not receive treatment. Advanced periodontitis causes teeth to fall out. Regular dental cleanings can remove tartar.
The Main Differences
Below are some of the main differences between plaque and tartar:
Appearance. Plaque has a fuzzy texture. You can feel this when you rub your teeth with your tongue. It is a colorless film, making it difficult to see. Tartar feels rough. It also has a brown or yellow color.
Removal. You can remove plaque with daily flossing and brushing. Tartar removal is only possible through your dental cleaning appointment. Your dentist in Marietta at Marietta Smile Gallery will use a scaler to scrape off tartar.
Buildup. Plaque gathers on your teeth all day each time you drink or eat. It builds up even more after you eat carbohydrate-rich beverages and foods. Plaque hardens into tartar if you don’t remove it right away. Tartar establishes itself along your gumline. It gathers there and irritates your gum tissue. It also corrodes the enamel, resulting in cavities.
Plaque and tartar can cause chaos in your mouth. They may be different in some respects but they both lead to gum disease and tooth loss. At Marietta Smile Gallery, we know the value of dental health. We always encourage our patients to keep their routine dental appointments. Please call our office in Marietta, Georgia at 770-809-1500 to schedule an appointment or with any inquiries about our deep dental cleaning packages.