Will Your Veneers Look Natural?

woman holding veneer samples

Not all dental veneers are equal in quality. In particular, the appearance of cheaper veneers may not blend well with the surrounding teeth, drawing unwanted attention to their unnatural appearance. Thus, selecting an experienced cosmetic dentist is crucial to achieving natural-looking veneers. 


A skilled dentist will consider various factors contributing to a beautiful and authentic smile. These include tooth shade, face shape, and small details that make the veneers appear unique. Are you considering veneers for the first time, or do you need to replace worn ones? If so, it is best to understand what it takes to create natural-looking veneers. Doing so will ensure a stunning result that enhances your smile's natural beauty.


What Are Dental Veneers?


Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to fit over the front surface of a tooth. They can help correct or hide dental damage such as stains, chips, cracks, and gaps between teeth. Typically made from porcelain or composite resin, they allow dental professionals to match the color of a person's natural teeth.


During the fitting procedure, a dentist usually removes a small amount of enamel from the tooth's surface to make room for the veneer. This is a permanent step; once removed, the tooth will always require a veneer or other restoration to protect it.


Do They Look Real?


One of the main concerns people have about dental veneers is whether they will look natural. Fortunately, experienced dentists and modern technology make it possible to create veneers that blend in seamlessly with natural teeth. Several factors contribute to a natural-looking result. These include the thinness of the veneers, color matching, translucence, and symmetry.


Veneers Are Very Thin


Newer veneers, such as Lumineers®, are about as thin as a contact lens. This makes them look more natural as they do not add bulk to the tooth. Sometimes, dentists can place Lumineers without removing any enamel, making the process reversible.


They Are Not Too White


Many people use veneers to whiten teeth and cover stains. However, it is best to strike a balance between a brighter smile and a natural look. Teeth that are too white can look fake. Most dentists aim to match the color of the veneers to a person's natural teeth.




Most people prefer porcelain for veneers because it has a translucence similar to natural teeth. Light can pass through the veneer, giving it a lifelike appearance. Composite resin veneers can also look natural but may not be as durable as porcelain veneers.




While a symmetrical smile is often considered more attractive, natural teeth are rarely perfectly symmetrical. A skilled dentist can create veneers with subtle shape intricacies that mimic the look of natural teeth. That can help prevent the "piano key smile."




The most crucial factor in creating natural-looking veneers is the dentist's skill and experience. A cosmetic dentist experienced in creating veneers can consider a person's unique facial features, tooth shade, and other factors to create a natural and attractive smile.




Dental veneers can improve the appearance of a person's teeth, especially for those with persistent cosmetic concerns. Factors such as thin profiles, natural hues, translucence, and subtle shape intricacies are essential to ensure the veneers look real. Choosing an experienced cosmetic dentist is crucial to getting natural-looking veneers that enhance your smile.


For more on dental veneers, visit Marietta Smile Gallery at our Marietta, Georgia office. Call 770-809-1500 to schedule an appointment today.